Friday, January 10, 2014

It's The New Year: How Much Insurance Do You Have?

The new year is a good time to reevaluate your vehicle insurance needs.  We are inundated with ads for companies selling minimum limits insurance.  The latest is a commercial in which the narrator says "your neighbor drove his car through your house.  Thankfully he had minimum limits insurance from ****."

Frankly I would not be happy to have the insurance adjuster tell me that she is sorry that only a small part of my damage will be paid because there was not enough insurance.  Vehicle insurance protects you when you cause a wreck and, maybe more important, protects you if you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver.

Imagine you accidentally cause a wreck causing a life-altering injury to a child.  Now imagine that an uninsured driver causes such an injury to your child.  In either situation you need to have as much vehicle insurance as possible.  The minimum limits ($25,000.00 in Tennessee) will do little to protect you.

Insurance is relatively cheap.  Take five minutes this new year and call your agent.  Remember that minimum limits equals minimum protection.

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